Cascadia: A New Short Film by Zach and Allie

Cascadia from Zalleon on Vimeo.

“The digital age: Anything you could possibly want is mass produced, firewood is purchased from the supermarket, and when we’ve lost our way, we ask robots for directions. It’s time we go against the grain; rediscovering the seemingly lost art of handmade tools and genuine exploration. Let’s see the world through a different lens; One that the old explorers would be proud of.”

On Tuesday, Zalleon released a new ‘Cascadia’ short film, documenting the wonderful adventure and road trip of two Cascadia wanderers Zach and Allie Leons. They travelled through Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, seeking an authentic experience in a culture awash with easy ones, capturing hundreds of photo’s and hours of film along the way.  

Find Zach and Allie on Instagram! @zachtheleon & @allietheleon

Zalleon [za-lee-on] noun: a story of adventure, collectively captured and displayed through photography, videography and written word.

There first video that they created was of their trip to Iceland, and they have relased many more since then, all just as beautiful and breathtaking as their Cascadia journey. Highly recommended watching! all available to stream on their vimeo channel here. 

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