The Coffee House Revolution

cascadia solstice rainbow pride

Cascadia, the time is Now.

Help us build a movement that will sweep through the Pacific Northwest and change the world.

Cascadia Conversations

Take our Pledge to Organize a Cascadia conversation for your community in 2014.

These will have one goal:

To discuss the role of Cascadia in the future of the Pacific Northwest, and for each group identify one step they could take to help make that happen.

Groups will converge for our first ever bio-regional congress later in the year to discuss, solidify and create a concrete plan forward, and formalize what the Cascadia movement will look like.


If you have a specific project or idea, or a creative way for us to outreach, be it wheatpasting, online marketing or posters, we want you to be a part of our Cascadia Operations team.

Help us think of great ways to cultivate and grow the Cascaida movement and make people’s voices heard.

If you have any special interests or specialties, such as financing, fundraising, graphic design, marketing, we need your help.


Our Part

During this process we will be building a series of contact networks to help coordinators self organize, broken down by interests and geographic location. 

We will include your information to help build momentum and point people in your direction. If you would like, and if time permits, we will also send an organizing team to help with any details or questions, or to introduce ourselves and our group in person. 

Join our Coffee House Revolution


About Cascadia and sign up for our newsletter


Artwork and Literature or join our graphic design and marketing team.


a #CascadiaOPor see previous operations on our projects page.


A Cascadia Conversation and see where they are already being hosted.


The Movement and share with family and friends.


by Donating Now